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News:WattNode Modbus Released –

October 2008

Continental Control Systems specializes in designing and manufacturing the WattNode®
AC power and energy meters. Available products include BACnet®, Modbus®, LonWorks®
networked, multi-function meters, pulse-output watt-hour transducers, and current transformers. Applications include energy management, building automation, tenant sub-metering, end-use metering, equipment performance monitoring, verification,
evaluation, and diagnostics.

WattNode Modbus
— is a kilowatt hour (kWh) energy and power (kW) meter that communicates on a EIA RS-485 subnet, measures 1, 2, or 3 phases with voltages from 120 to 600 Vac and 5 to 6,000 amps in delta and wye configurations.

WattNode is a registered trademark of Continental Control Systems LLC.