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There are cases where you may have purchased a WattNode® Modbus® meter with options and need to determine which options are present. There are a few approaches.

  • The front label shows the options in the central gray rectangle below the model number.
  • Your shipping list and invoice should show the options.
  • You can read the option information registers.
  • You can read the Options register.
  • You can contact Continental Control Systems for the information.

Once you have determined which options are present, see WattNode Modbus – Options or the manual for details.

Option Information Registers

These registers document options ordered with the meter. They are read-only, but values associated with an option information register may be overridden in the field (such as the CtAmps1) unless the configuration is locked (Option L). These registers always show the original option value. If an option has not been specified, the value will be zero. This can be easier to interpret compared to reading the Options Register (described in the next section).

Registers Name Override
1724 OptCtAmps1 CtAmps1 All Option CT value for CT1 CtAmps
1725 OptCtAmps2 CtAmps2 All Option CT value for CT2 CtAmps
1726 OptCtAmps3 CtAmps3 All Option CT value for CT3 CtAmps
1727 OptModbusMode none All Not supported
1728 OptAddress Address All Option AD Factory assigned Modbus address
1729 OptBaudRate BaudRate All Option BAUD=xxx value where xxx may be 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, or 115200
1730 OptParityMode ParityMode All Option Option EP value 1 = Even parity
1737 OptLockedConfig LockedConfig n.a. Option to lock CtAmps and other configuration settings
1739 OptRs485Termination none n.a. DIP switch 7 controls RS-485 termination

See Also