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What is the maximum CT rated amps supported by WattNode meters?

CCS sell current transformers (CTs) with rated currents ranging from 5 to 6000 amps. There are cases, such as Paralleling Current Transformers, that can result in even higher effective rated currents.

Most models of WattNode® meters can be configure for use with CTs rated to 6000 amps but there are some exceptions. WattNode Pulse meter outputs are scaled by the user’s counting device, so pulse meters have no maximum amps limit.

The tables below lists the maximum CT rated amps supported by different models of WattNode meters. The factory default setting for the CT rated amps is 5 amps and the unit of measure is 1 amp.

Production Models

Model Name (phases) Max A
WNC-xx-xxx-BN CtAmps (A, B, C) 60,000
WNC-xx-xxx-FT10 nciCtAmps (sets all 3 phases) 60,000
WNC-xx-xxx-FT10-L nciCtAmps (sets all 3 phases) 60,000
WNC-xx-xxx-FT10 Opt B nciCtAmps_f (sets all 3 phases) 60,000
WND-M1-MB CtAmps (CT1, CT2, CT3) 6,000
WND-WR-MB CtAmps (CT1, CT2, CT3) 6,000

Legacy Models

Model Name (phases) Max A
WNA-xx-xxx-FT10 nciCtAmps_f (sets all 3 phases) 3276.7
WNA-xx-xxx-TP87 nciCtAmps_f (sets all 3 phases) 3276.7
WNB-xx-xxx-FT10 nciCtAmps_f (sets all 3 phases) 3276.7
WNB-xx-xxx-FT10 Opt BI nciCtAmps_f (sets all 3 phases) 3276.7
WNC-xx-xxx-MB CtAmps (A, B, C or set all ) 6,000

See Also