This page lists the different WattNode® for LonWorks® firmware versions and release notes. The WattNode for LonWorks meter is generally field up-gradable. However, you cannot add or remove options (such as Option B or Logging) without returning the meter to the factory. We recommend against firmware upgrades unless necessary to fix a bug. There is a nominal charge for firmware updates unless they are needed to fix a bug under warranty.
This page does not list every firmware change, but only those likely to affect customers. Some changes are to enhance production or internal diagnostics.
Current Models
All current WattNode for LonWorks models are from the WNC series, where the first three letters of the model number are “WNC”.
WattNode for LonWorks and WattNode Revenue for LonWorks Firmware Versions
Firmware Version 3.39 – 2013-06-27
- Applies To:
- Release Date: 2013-06-27
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:07 (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged). Ver 1.05 is also compatible
- XIF file: WattNode Plus FT10 XIF File (unchanged)
- Firmware Flash Image: WNC-FT10-Plus-339.NXE
- Firmware Version: 3.39
- Manual Supplement: MS-25-WNC-Invert-CT-Polarity.pdf
Bug Fixes
- None
- Added commands to invert (flip) the effective polarity of each CT independently and to restore all CTs to default polarity.
- Added logic to store the state of inverted CTs in non-volatile memory so they will be preserved across power failures.
- Added an error code ’32’ if an attempt is made to invert the polarity of a CT on WattNode Revenue for LonWorks models (revenue models do not support this feature, because it could be used to tamper with accurate readings).
- Updated the Logger model to log a “configuration changed” event whenever the CT polarity is changed.
- See the manual supplement for details.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Plus-339.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
- This update does not apply to Option B, Option BI, or Option PT models.
Should You Upgrade?
We do not recommend an upgrade for this version unless you need to remotely invert CT polarity, or if you are not yet up to firmware version 3.38.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.38 – 2013-04-08
- Applies To:
- Release Date: 2013-04-08
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:07 (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged). Ver 1.05 is also compatible
- XIF file: WattNode Plus FT10 XIF File (unchanged)
- Firmware Flash Image: WNC-FT10-Plus-338.NXE
- Firmware Version: 3.38
- Manual Supplement: MS-22-WNC-LonWorks-FRAM-Update.pdf
Bug Fixes
- Energy values are written to non-volatile FRAM memory every five seconds. There are two banks to store these values to provide redundancy. Due to a bug in previous versions, the firmware could only recover from the first bank. If this first bank of FRAM memory was being written when power failed, the energy would be lost on the next power-up. This has been fixed so that the firmware can recover from either bank and will not lose energy if the AC power fails while the FRAM is being written.
- Added commands to lock and unlock the reset energy feature to prevent unintentional energy resets. The LNS Plug-in has also been updated with menu commands to lock and unlock the energy reset, and to indicate if the energy reset feature is locked.
- Writing 200 to nviResetEnergy locks the reset energy feature, preventing resets. When locked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 200.
- Writing 300 to nviResetEnergy unlocks the reset energy feature, allowing resets. When unlocked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 0.
- Added the ability to factory lock the nciCtAmps for the upcoming WattNode Revenue models.
- Added more detailed error reporting for FRAM recovery. See the Manual for details.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Plus-338.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
- This update does not apply to Option B or Option BI models.
- If you are using Option PT, see WattNode Plus for LonWorks – Opt PT – Firmware Version 3.41
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you upgrade. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are rare occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.37 – 2011-11-23
- Release Date: 2011-11-23
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:07 (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged). Ver 1.05 is also compatible
- XIF file: WattNode Plus FT10 XIF File (unchanged)
- Firmware Version: 3.37
Bug Fixes
- BUG: Fixed a creep limit bug resulting in a creep limit of 0.67% instead of 0.067%. This bug has existing since firmware version 3.33. The symptom of the bug is that the reported power will jump to zero for any power level below 0.67% of nominal full-scale power (rated CT amps times nominal AC line voltage). The reported power is not supposed to jump to zero until the power is below 0.067% of nominal full-scale power. See the article Creep Limit for an explanation of the creep limit.
- UPDATE: Added more detailed diagnostics for non-volatile memory errors. These errors appear in the LonWorks error log. See the manual section WattNode Errors for details.
- 24: Error: Peak demand data in FRAM corrupted; bad CRC on one or both banks
- 25: Error: Peak demand data in FRAM corrupted; writing when power failed
- 26: Error: Peak demand data in FRAM corrupted; both banks pending
- 27: Error: Calibration FRAM update pending
- 28: Error: Energy data in FRAM corrupted; bad CRC on one or both banks
- 29: Error: Energy data in FRAM corrupted; writing when power failed
- 30: Error: Energy data in FRAM corrupted; both banks pending
- 31: Error: Log info FRAM corrupted; bad CRC on one or both banks
- 32: Error: Log info FRAM corrupted; writing when power failed
- 33: Error: Log info FRAM corrupted; both banks pending
- 59-61: Error: Internal firmware error. Contact support
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Plus-337.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you only upgrade if you are affected by this bug. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load”. This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.36 – 2011-08-12
- Release Date: 2011-08-12
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:07 (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged)
- XIF file: WattNode Plus FT10 XIF File
- Firmware Version: 3.36
Bug Fixes
This includes bug fixes from version 3.35, which was a beta release only.
- BUG: Fixed a bug in the date/time resynchronization logic to determine when a demand interval should be immediately ended. This bug would sometimes cause missed demand updates if the time of day was updated right at the end of a demand interval.
- BUG: There was a bug in the nviTimeSet update logic bug that could result in a time error up to 15 seconds. This has been fixed.
- BUG: Under rare circumstances, if nviTimeSet is updated rapidly, the WattNode meter time could jump five seconds ahead and back. Fixed.
- BUG: Fixed the logic to limit the update rate on energy SNVTs to the value specified by nciMaxSendT. All other output SNVT types were correctly using nciMaxSendT. Note: all updates controlled by nciMaxSendT are not synchronized to the time of day, so if you set a one minute update rate, updates may occur at 10:15:35, then 10:16:35, then 10:17:35, etc.
- BUG (introduced in beta 3.35 version): Updated logic to eliminate redundant writes to internal EEPROM; prevents EEPROM wearout.
This includes updates from version 3.35, which was a beta release only.
- UPDATE: Updated logic for nciMaxSendT SCPT so that if a value greater than 12 hours is specified, the update rate returns to the default 5 seconds and the error “20: INVALID_MAX_SEND_TIME” is logged. We did this because a customer inadvertently entered a very long update interval (greater than 12 hours) and was confused that data only updated every 12 hours. It seems safer to default to a fast update rate for invalid entries.
- UPDATE: Changed SNVT update logic, so that values update internally every five seconds, but are only sent to bound network variables at the rate specified by nciMaxSendT. So if you poll most SNVTs, you will see updates every five seconds, rather than at the rate specified by nciMaxSendT. But if you bind them, you will just see updates at the nciMaxSendT rate.
- UPDATE: Changed the power factor average computation to nvoPfAvg = nvoPowerSum / ApparentPowerSum. The old equation was nvoPfAvg = AVERAGE(nvoPfA, nvoPfB, nvoPfC). If the apparent power sum is zero, report an average power factor of 1.00.
- UPDATE: The network variables nvoDemandPk and nvoPeakDemT are updated whenever a new value is computed for nvoDemand. The old logic only updated these variables when a new demand peak occurred, which might only occur a few times per month. This could result in days or weeks between updates, which caused some software to report that the values were not updating.
- UPDATE: Updated demand interval computation logic to allow subintervals down to one minute. Also in the case where the specified demand period and number of subintervals would result in a subinterval period that wasn’t an integer number of minutes, the number of subintervals or the demand period may be adjusted. For example, if you specify a fifteen minute demand period and seven subintervals, the demand period is adjusted to fourteen minutes with two minute subintervals.
- UPDATE: Increased application and network transmit and receive buffer counts from five to seven to reduce the risk of full buffers.
- UPDATE: Added logic so that if a network variable update fails for demand quantities (nvoDemand, nvoDemandPk, nvoPeakDemT), the WattNode meter will retry the update four more times (five tries total). It will also log errors to the error log: 22 = nvoDemand update failed, 23 = nvoDemandPk updated failed, 24 = nvoPeakDemT update failed.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is virtually unchanged, except for the change to the LonTalk buffers. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Plus-336.XIF. The old XIF version should still work.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you only upgrade if you are affected by one of the bugs listed above or feel that one of the updates would be valuable. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load”. This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.35 – 2010-07-09
This was a beta release only. If you have this version and are interested, see WattNode Plus for LonWorks – Firmware Version 3.36 for release notes and instructions on upgrading to the release version.
- Release Date: beta release only, 2010-07-09
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:07 (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged)
- XIF file: WattNode Plus FT10 XIF File
- Firmware Version: 3.35
Firmware Version 3.33 – 2009-02-09
- Release Date: 2009-02-09
- Neuron System Image: 17
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:07
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04
- XIF file: WattNode Plus FT10 XIF File
- Notes: First LonMark® approved production release.
- Firmware Version: 3.33
WattNode Logger for LonWorks (WNC Series)
Firmware Version 3.73 – 2018-08-09
- Applies To:
- Release Date: 2018-08-09
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:OA – FT10 Logger, Option NR1
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.05 (see \\ccs-dc02\Engineering\WNC\FT10\LonMark-Resource-Files\V1.05)
- XIF file:WattNode Logger WNC-FT-Log-NR1-373.XIF
- Firmware Flash Image: “\\ccs-dc02\Engineering\WNC\FT10\Releases\Log-NR1-373\WNC-FT-Log-NR1-373.NXE”
- Firmware Version: 3.73
- Manual Supplement:MS-32-WNC-FT-Logger-Opt-NR1.pdf
Bug Fixes
- None
- Added Option NR1.
- Log non-resettable energies in place of resettable energies
- Change the short log to contain nvoEnergyPosSumNR instead of nvoEnergySumNR
- Specifically:
- Log nvoEnergyPosSumNR in place of nvoEnergySum
- Log nvoEnergySumNR in place of nvoEnergyPosSum
- See the manual supplement for details.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is changed. The name is changed to FT10 Logger, Option NR1.
- The old XIF version will work in place of WNC-FT-Log-NR1-373.XIF.
- This update only applies to Logger models.
Should You Upgrade?
We do not recommend an upgrade for this version unless you need to remotely invert CT polarity, or if you are not yet up to firmware version 3.68.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.72 – 2018-08-09
- Applies To:
- Release Date: 2013-06-27
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0D (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.05
- (see \\ccs-dc02\Engineering\WNC\FT10\LonMark-Resource-Files\V1.05)
- XIF file:WattNode Logger WNC-FT-Log-PT-NR1-372.XIF
- Firmware Flash Image:“\\ccs-dc02\Engineering\WNC\FT10\Releases\Log-PT-NR1-372\WNC-FT-Log-PT-NR1-372.NXE”
- Firmware Version: 3.72
- Manual Supplement:WNC-LonWorks-Option-PT.pdf
Bug Fixes
- None
- Added Option NR1.
- Log non-resettable energies in place of resettable energies
- Change the short log to contain nvoEnergyPosSumNR instead of nvoEnergySumNR
- Specifically:
- Log nvoEnergyPosSumNR in place of nvoEnergySum
- Log nvoEnergySumNR in place of nvoEnergyPosSum
- See the manual supplement for details.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is changed. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Log-PT-NR1-372.XIF
- This update only applies to Logger models.
Should You Upgrade?
We do not recommend an upgrade for this version unless you need to remotely invert CT polarity, or if you are not yet up to firmware version 3.68.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.69 – 2013-06-27
- Applies To:
- Release Date: 2013-06-27
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged). Ver 1.05 is also compatible
- XIF file: WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File (unchanged)
- Firmware Flash Image: WNC-FT-Log-369.NXE
- Firmware Version: 3.69
- Manual Supplement: MS-25-WNC-Invert-CT-Polarity.pdf
Bug Fixes
- None
- Added commands to invert (flip) the effective polarity of each CT independently and to restore all CTs to default polarity.
- Added logic to store the state of inverted CTs in non-volatile memory so they will be preserved across power failures.
- Added an error code ’32’ if an attempt is made to invert the polarity of a CT on WattNode Revenue for LonWorks models (revenue models do not support this feature, because it could be used to tamper with accurate readings).
- Updated the Logger model to log a “configuration changed” event whenever the CT polarity is changed.
- See the manual supplement for details.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Log-369.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
- This update does not apply to Option B, Option BI, or Option PT models.
Should You Upgrade?
We do not recommend an upgrade for this version unless you need to remotely invert CT polarity, or if you are not yet up to firmware version 3.68.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.68 – 2013-04-08
- Applies To:
- Release Date: 2013-04-08
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged). Ver 1.05 is also compatible
- XIF file: WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File (unchanged)
- Firmware Flash Image: WNC-FT10-Log-368.NXE
- Firmware Version: 3.68
- Manual Supplement: MS-22-WNC-LonWorks-FRAM-Update.pdf
Bug Fixes
- Energy values are written to non-volatile FRAM memory every five seconds. There are two banks to store these values to provide redundancy. Due to a bug in previous versions, the firmware could only recover from the first bank. If this first bank of FRAM memory was being written when power failed, the energy would be lost on the next power-up. This has been fixed so that the firmware can recover from either bank and will not lose energy if the AC power fails while the FRAM is being written.
- Added commands to lock and unlock the reset energy feature to prevent unintentional energy resets. The LNS Plug-in has also been updated with menu commands to lock and unlock the energy reset, and to indicate if the energy reset feature is locked.
- Writing 200 to nviResetEnergy locks the reset energy feature, preventing resets. When locked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 200.
- Writing 300 to nviResetEnergy unlocks the reset energy feature, allowing resets. When unlocked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 0.
- Added factory commands to lock the nciCtAmps for the upcoming WattNode Revenue models.
- Added more detailed error reporting for FRAM recovery. See the Manual for details.
- Updated the error reporting logic so that attempts to write invalid configurations values, such as invalid nciCtAmps, nciDemSubints, or nciDemPerMins will not be flagged as an “internal error” in the log. They will still appear if the WattNode status is queried.
- Added logic to detect the transition from Soft-Offline to Online so that the “online” event can be logged in the flash memory log in this case.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Log-368.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
- This update does not apply to Option B or Option BI models.
- If you are using Option PT, see WattNode Logger for LonWorks – Opt PT – Firmware Version 3.71
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you upgrade. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are rare occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.67 – 2011-11-23
- Release Date: 2011-11-23
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged). Ver 1.05 is also compatible
- XIF file: WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File (unchanged)
- Firmware Version: 3.67
Bug Fixes
- BUG: Fixed a creep limit bug resulting in a creep limit of 0.67% instead of 0.067%. This bug has existing since firmware version 3.63. The symptom of the bug is that the reported power will jump to zero for any power level below 0.67% of nominal full-scale power (rated CT amps times nominal AC line voltage). The reported power is not supposed to jump to zero until the power is below 0.067% of nominal full-scale power. See the article Creep Limit for an explanation of the creep limit.
- UPDATE: Added more detailed diagnostics for non-volatile memory errors. These errors appear in the LonWorks error log. See the manual section WattNode Errors for details.
- 24: Error: Peak demand data in FRAM corrupted; bad CRC on one or both banks
- 25: Error: Peak demand data in FRAM corrupted; writing when power failed
- 26: Error: Peak demand data in FRAM corrupted; both banks pending
- 27: Error: Calibration FRAM update pending
- 28: Error: Energy data in FRAM corrupted; bad CRC on one or both banks
- 29: Error: Energy data in FRAM corrupted; writing when power failed
- 30: Error: Energy data in FRAM corrupted; both banks pending
- 31: Error: Log info FRAM corrupted; bad CRC on one or both banks
- 32: Error: Log info FRAM corrupted; writing when power failed
- 33: Error: Log info FRAM corrupted; both banks pending
- 59-61: Error: Internal firmware error. Contact support
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Log-367.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you only upgrade if you are affected by this bug. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load”. This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number.
Firmware Version 3.66 – 2011-08-21
- Production Dates: 2011-08-12 to present
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged)
- XIF file: WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File
- Firmware Version: 3.66
Bug Fixes
This includes bug fixes from version 3.65, which was a beta release only.
- BUG: Fixed a bug in the date/time resynchronization logic to determine when a demand interval should be immediately ended. This bug would sometimes cause missed demand updates if the time of day was updated right at the end of a demand interval.
- BUG: There was a bug in the nviTimeSet update logic bug that could result in a time error up to 15 seconds. This has been fixed.
- BUG: Under rare circumstances, if nviTimeSet is updated rapidly, the WattNode meter time could jump five seconds ahead and back. Fixed.
- BUG: Logger models could log a “Time Changed” event if nviTimeSet was updated within a few seconds of midnight, if the old time was on one side of midnight and the new time on the other side of midnight, even if the time change was less than 15 seconds. This occurred because the date changed and the meter assumed that implied a dramatic change in time. Fixed, the new logic computes the delta time correctly, even across midnight.
- BUG: Fixed the logic to limit the update rate on energy SNVTs to the value specified by nciMaxSendT. All other output SNVT types were correctly using nciMaxSendT. Note: all updates controlled by nciMaxSendT are not synchronized to the time of day, so if you set a one minute update rate, updates may occur at 10:15:35, then 10:16:35, then 10:17:35, etc.
- BUG (introduced in beta 3.65 version): Updated logic to eliminate redundant writes to internal EEPROM; prevents EEPROM wearout.
This includes updates from version 3.65, which was a beta release only.
- UPDATE: Updated logic for nciMaxSendT SCPT so that if a value greater than 12 hours is specified, the update rate returns to the default 5 seconds and the error “20: INVALID_MAX_SEND_TIME” is logged. We did this because a customer inadvertently entered a very long update interval (greater than 12 hours) and was confused that data only updated every 12 hours. It seems safer to default to a fast update rate for invalid entries.
- UPDATE: Changed SNVT update logic, so that values update internally every five seconds, but are only sent to bound network variables at the rate specified by nciMaxSendT. So if you poll most SNVTs, you will see updates every five seconds, rather than at the rate specified by nciMaxSendT. But if you bind them, you will just see updates at the nciMaxSendT rate.
- UPDATE: Changed the power factor average computation to nvoPfAvg = nvoPowerSum / ApparentPowerSum. The old equation was nvoPfAvg = AVERAGE(nvoPfA, nvoPfB, nvoPfC). If the apparent power sum is zero, report an average power factor of 1.00.
- UPDATE: The network variables nvoDemandPk and nvoPeakDemT are updated whenever a new value is computed for nvoDemand. The old logic only updated these variables when a new demand peak occurred, which might only occur a few times per month. This could result in days or weeks between updates, which caused some software to report that the values were not updating.
- UPDATE: Updated demand interval computation logic to allow subintervals down to one minute. Also in the case where the specified demand period and number of subintervals would result in a subinterval period that wasn’t an integer number of minutes, the number of subintervals or the demand period may be adjusted. For example, if you specify a fifteen minute demand period and seven subintervals, the demand period is adjusted to fourteen minutes with two minute subintervals.
- UPDATE: Increased application and network transmit and receive buffer counts from five to seven to reduce the risk of full buffers.
- UPDATE: Added logic so that if a network variable update fails for demand quantities (nvoDemand, nvoDemandPk, nvoPeakDemT), the WattNode meter will retry the update four more times (five tries total). It will also log errors to the error log: 22 = nvoDemand update failed, 23 = nvoDemandPk updated failed, 24 = nvoPeakDemT update failed.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is virtually unchanged, except for the change to the LonTalk buffers. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Log-366.XIF. The old XIF version should still work.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you only upgrade if you are affected by one of the bugs listed above or feel that one of the updates would be valuable. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load”. This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number.
Firmware Version 3.65 – 2010-07-09
This was a beta release only. If you have this version and are interested, see WattNode Logger for LonWorks – Firmware Version 3.66 for release notes and instructions on upgrading to the release version.
- Release Date: beta release only, 2010-07-09
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04 (unchanged)
- XIF file:WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File
- Firmware Version: 3.65
Firmware Version 3.64 – 2008-10-09
- Production Dates: 2008-12-09 to 2011-08-11
- Neuron System Image: 17
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04
- XIF file:WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File
- Notes: First LonMark® approved release.
This version has been replaced by newer firmware. See WattNode for LonWorks Versions for the most recent version.
- Eliminated support for changeable SNVT types, by adding conditional compilation for changeable type support. Also changed the program ID bit that indicates changeable types.
- Changed default type for energy to SNVT_elec_kwh_l.
- Changed update rate configuration so that all SNVTs share a single configuration property SCPTmaxSndT.
- Changed all measurements to appear in LonMark Open-Loop Sensor functional blocks (one measurement per functional block).
- Created an inherited NodeObject functional profile that includes WattNode meter specific values like nciCtAmps.
- Renamed the WattnodeConfig functional profile/block to WattnodeCal and moved non-calibration SNVTs and CPs into NodeObject.
- Moved nviResetEnergy into NodeObject, since there was no LonMark approved way to add it to the Open-Loop Sensor objects we are using to report energy.
- Reduced the number of alias table entries from 22 to 20 to free on-chip EEPROM.
Firmware Version 3.63 – 2008-12-04
- Production Dates: 2008-12-04 to 2008-12-09
- Neuron System Image: 17
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0A
- LonWorks Resource Files: Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0, CControlSys – Ver 1.04
- XIF file:WattNode Logger FT10 XIF File
- Notes: First production release.
This version has been replaced by newer firmware. See WattNode for LonWorks Versions for the most recent version.
WattNode for LonWorks, Option B (WNC Series)
Firmware Version 3.03 – 2009-04-02
- Release Date: 2009-04-02
- Neuron System Image: 16
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:05
- LonWorks Resource Files: none
- XIF file: WNC-FT-B-30x.XIF
- Firmware Version: 3.03
Bug Fixes
- Demand measurement stops updating at midnight, restarts if nviTimeSet, nciDemSubints, or nciDemPerMins are updated. Fixed in 3.03.
- Firmware upgrade will not overwrite calibration data.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is functionally unchanged, but name is changed to WNC-FT-B-30x.XIF. The old XIF version will still work.
Should You Upgrade?
If you use the demand measurement (nvoDemand) you should probably upgrade. There are two alternatives if you do not wish to upgrade:
- Write the time of day (nviTimeSet) once a day after midnight and before the first demand interval would complete (generally 15 minutes after midnight). This will keep the demand measurement working. We recommend updating the time roughly one minute after midnight. This is a good idea anyway to keep the WattNode clock synchronized with the PC clock.
- Compute demand using energy measurements (nvoEnergySum). If you are logging energy at fifteen minute intervals, you can compute demand from the difference in energy between two successive readings. For example, if energy at 5:00 is 345.3 kWh and energy at 5:15 is 367.8 kWh, then the difference is 22.5 kWh. To convert to kilowatts, divide by the interval time in hours (in this case 1/4th of an hour), which is the same as multiplying by 4, so the average power (demand) is 22.5 kWh * 4 = 90.0 kW.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the NXE file (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load”. This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.02 – 2008-12-10
- Release Date: 2008-12-10
- Neuron System Image: 16
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:05
- LonWorks Resource Files: none
- XIF file: WNC-FT-B-30x.XIF
- Firmware Version: 3.02
- Added code to zero nviLogRequest after resetting peak demand.
- Internal errors are logged to error_log().
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The old XIF version will still work.
Firmware Version 3.01 – 2008-11-19
- Release Date: 2008-11-19
- Neuron System Image: 16
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:05
- LonWorks Resource Files: none
- XIF file: WNC-FT-B-30x.XIF
- Firmware Version: 3.01
Bug Fixes
- On startup, the firmware wasn’t remembering which non-volatile data bank was used for recovery. In rare cases with two subsequent power failures, both occurring while non-volatile memory was being written, this could cause the firmware to overwriting the only good location. If power failed during this write, then both locations would be corrupted. The updated firmware always writes to the data bank not used for recovery, ensuring that if one bank is bad, it is written first.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The old XIF version will still work.
Firmware Version 3.00 – 2008-08-28
- Release Date: 2008-08-28
- Neuron System Image: 16
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:05
- LonWorks Resource Files: none
- XIF file: WNC-FT-B-30x.XIF
- Firmware Version: 3.00
Initial production release. (Current version 3.03 released 31 March 2009)
WattNode for LonWorks, Option BI (WNC Series)
Firmware Version 3.13 – 2009-03-31
- Release Date: 2009-03-31
- Neuron System Image: 16
- Program ID: 9:00022:1500:0A:04:0B
- LonWorks Resource Files: none
- XIF file: WNC-FT-BI-31x.XIF
- Firmware Version: 3.13
Bug Fixes
- Demand measurement stops updating at midnight, restarts if nviTimeSet, nciDemSubints, or nciDemPerMins are updated. Fixed in 3.13.
- Firmware upgrade will not overwrite calibration data.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged: WattNode Plus FT10 Option BI XIF File.
Should You Upgrade?
If you use the demand measurement (nvoDemand) you should probably upgrade. There are two alternatives if you do not wish to upgrade:
- Write the time of day (nviTimeSet) once a day after midnight and before the first demand interval would complete (generally 15 minutes after midnight). This will keep the demand measurement working. We recommend updating the time roughly one minute after midnight. This is a good idea anyway to keep the WattNode meter’s clock synchronized with the PC clock.
- Compute demand using energy measurements (nvoEnergySum). If you are logging energy at fifteen minute intervals, you can compute demand from the difference in energy between two successive readings. For example, if energy at 5:00 is 345.3 kWh and energy at 5:15 is 367.8 kWh, then the difference is 22.5 kWh. To convert to kilowatts, divide by the interval time in hours (in this case 1/4th of an hour), which is the same as multiplying by 4, so the average power (demand) is 22.5 kWh * 4 = 90.0 kW.
Upgrade Procedures
- Download the WNC-FT-BI-313.NXE (firmware flash image) and use LonMaker or another LNS network management tool to perform a “Load”. This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number first.
Firmware Version 3.12 – 2008-12-10
- Release Date: 2008-12-10
- Neuron System Image: 16
- Program ID: 9:00022:1500:0A:04:0B
- LonWorks Resource Files: none
- XIF file: WNC-FT-BI-31x.XIF
- Firmware Version: 3.12
This was the initial production release.
- See WattNode Plus Option BI – Firmware Version 3.13 for a bug fix release
WattNode for LonWorks, Option PT (WNC Series)
Firmware Version 3.41 – 2013-04-08
- Release Date: 2013-04-08
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 9:00022:1500:0A:04:0C (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.05 (unchanged)
- XIF file: WattNode Plus Option PT XIF File (unchanged from 3.40)
- Firmware Flash Image: Contact CCS technical support
- Firmware Version: 3.41
- Manual Supplement: MS-22-WNC-LonWorks-FRAM-Update.pdf
Bug Fixes
- Energy values are written to non-volatile FRAM memory every five seconds. There are two banks to store these values to provide redundancy. Due to a bug in previous versions, the firmware could only recover from the first bank. If this first bank of FRAM memory was being written when power failed, the energy would be lost on the next power-up. This has been fixed so that the firmware can recover from either bank and will not lose energy if the AC power fails while the FRAM is being written.
- Added commands to lock and unlock the reset energy feature to prevent unintentional energy resets. The LNS Plug-in has also been updated with menu commands to lock and unlock the energy reset, and to indicate if the energy reset feature is locked.
- Writing 200 to nviResetEnergy locks the reset energy feature, preventing resets. When locked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 200.
- Writing 300 to nviResetEnergy unlocks the reset energy feature, allowing resets. When unlocked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 0.
- Added factory commands to lock the nciCtAmps and nciPtRatio for the upcoming WattNode Revenue models.
- Added more detailed error reporting for FRAM recovery. See the Manual for details.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Plus-PT-341.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you upgrade. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are rare occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Contact CCS for the firmware flash image and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us first for RMA number.
Firmware Version 3.40 – 2011-11-23
- Release Date: 2011-11-23
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0C (new)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.05 (new)
- XIF file: WattNode Plus Option PT XIF File (new)
- Firmware Version: 3.40
This is a firmware release to support Option PT, which provides better support for potential transformers (PTs, also called voltage transformers).
- Added UCPTptRatio configuration property to set the potential transformer ratio.
- Modified to use the PT ratio to scale the measured voltage, power, reactive power, energy, reactive energy, and demand.
- Added logic to validate the UCPTptRatio and set the value to the default value of 1.0 if the value is set greater than 300 or less than 0.05.
- Updated the resource files to add UCPTptRatio (floating point, default value 1.0) to the node object functional profile.
- Changed LonMark resource file to version 1.05 (from 1.04).
- Updated the program ID.
- Added error code “34: Error: Tried to set the PT ratio too small or too large”
- This update is based on firmware version 3.37.
- This release is not initially LonMark certified, although it is virtually identical (except for the addition of UCPTptRatio) to the LonMark certified Plus and Logger models.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you only upgrade if you are using potential transformers and wish to have the meter correctly scale the voltage, power, and energy readings. It will be necessary to return the meter to the factory and pay a nominal charge to add Option PT.
WattNode Logger for LonWorks, Option PT (WNC Series)
Firmware Version 3.71 – 2013-04-08
- Release Date: 2013-04-08
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 9:00022:1500:0A:04:0D (unchanged)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.05 (unchanged)
- XIF file: WattNode Log Option PT XIF File (unchanged from 3.70)
- Firmware Flash Image: Contact CCS technical support
- Firmware Version: 3.71
- Manual Supplement: MS-22-WNC-LonWorks-FRAM-Update.pdf
Bug Fixes
- Energy values are written to non-volatile FRAM memory every five seconds. There are two banks to store these values to provide redundancy. Due to a bug in previous versions, the firmware could only recover from the first bank. If this first bank of FRAM memory was being written when power failed, the energy would be lost on the next power-up. This has been fixed so that the firmware can recover from either bank and will not lose energy if the AC power fails while the FRAM is being written.
- Added commands to lock and unlock the reset energy feature to prevent unintentional energy resets. The LNS Plug-in has also been updated with menu commands to lock and unlock the energy reset, and to indicate if the energy reset feature is locked.
- Writing 200 to nviResetEnergy locks the reset energy feature, preventing resets. When locked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 200.
- Writing 300 to nviResetEnergy unlocks the reset energy feature, allowing resets. When unlocked, nviResetEnergy will read back as 0.
- Added factory commands to lock the nciCtAmps and nciPtRatio for the upcoming WattNode Revenue models.
- Added more detailed error reporting for FRAM recovery. See the Manual for details.
- Updated the error reporting logic so that attempts to write invalid configurations values, such as invalid nciCtAmps, nciPtRatio, nciDemSubints, or nciDemPerMins will not be flagged as an “internal error” in the log. They will still appear if the WattNode status is queried.
- Added logic to detect the transition from Soft-Offline to Online so that the “online” event can be logged in the flash memory log in this case.
- Program ID is unchanged.
- External interface file (XIF) is unchanged. The name is changed to WNC-FT-Log-PT-371.XIF. The old XIF version will work.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you upgrade. Although the upgrade process is generally reliable, there are rare occasions when a unit becomes unresponsive and it is necessary to return it for reprogramming at the factory.
Upgrade Procedures
- Contact CCS for the firmware flash image and use LonMaker® or another LNS® network management tool to perform a “Load” (see LonWorks Firmware Upgrade). This will take about 30 seconds to upgrade the firmware over the network.
- Return the WattNode meter to Continental Control Systems and we will upgrade the firmware at no charge. You will need to contact us for an RMA number.
Firmware Version 3.70 – 2011-11-23
- Release Date: 2011-11-23
- Neuron System Image: 17 (unchanged)
- Program ID: 8:00022:1500:0A:04:0D (new)
- LonWorks Resource Files:
- Standard LonMark – Ver 13.0
- CControlSys – Ver 1.05 (new)
- XIF file: WattNode Log Option PT XIF File (new)
- Firmware Version: 3.70
This is a firmware release to support Option PT, which provides better support for potential transformers (PTs, also called voltage transformers).
- Added UCPTptRatio configuration property to set the potential transformer ratio.
- Modified to use the PT ratio to scale the measured voltage, power, reactive power, energy, reactive energy, and demand.
- Added logic to validate the UCPTptRatio and set the value to the default value of 1.0 if the value is set greater than 300 or less than 0.05.
- Updated the resource files to add UCPTptRatio (floating point, default value 1.0) to the node object functional profile.
- Changed LonMark resource file to version 1.05 (from 1.04).
- Changing UCPTptRatio will be flagged as a configuration change in the log on Logger models.
- Updated the program ID.
- Added error code “34: Error: Tried to set the PT ratio too small or too large”
- This update is based on firmware version 3.67.
- This release is not initially LonMark certified, although it is virtually identical (except for the addition of UCPTptRatio) to the LonMark certified Plus and Logger models.
Should You Upgrade?
We recommend that you only upgrade if you are using potential transformers and wish to have the meter correctly scale the voltage, power, and energy readings. It will be necessary to return the meter to the factory and pay a nominal charge to add Option PT.